Coskun International Education Consulting

"learn globally"

Coskun International Education Consulting offers students & families, schools and professionals worldwide expert education counsel on academic success, international mobility and professional development. We perceive international education as a creative synthesis of learning mobility, scientific exchange, and intercultural communication.  Whether you're seeking to study abroad, enhance your skills, or develop international programs, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you succeed.

Academic Advisory

Confused? Let's put your education into perspective! 


International Mobility

Wish to study abroad? Want to learn a new language? 


Professional Development

Life-long learning for future-proof career options



Summer school in Germany

Summer School in Germany?

Learn German while enjoying its impressive culture and beautiful nature.

Apply for an undergraduate study

An international undergraduate degree

Let's put together a strong application package for a dream university! 


Online education? 

Thinking about making the most of ever-growing world of educational technologies?

Invest in yourself

Looking for new challenges?

Gain new qualifications, boost your CV, and get ready for a better career!